FAQs on Digital Signature Certificate (DSC)
You need to follow the steps given below:
- In Internet Explorer, click on Tools > Internet Options > Security.
- Click “Internet” and “Default Level” button and change the Security Settings to “Medium”.
- Click “Custom Level” Button.
- Enable the “Download Signed ActiveX controls” option.
- Enable the “Run ActiveX controls and Plugins” option.
- Enable the “Script ActiveX controls marked safe for scripting” option.
1. Download the Certificate corresponding to approved SRN from the FO portal..
2. Open the certificate and check whether the signature is validated or not, if DSC marked as “?” then we need to validate the same.
3. Right click on the signature and click on “Show Signature Properties”.
4. Click on “Show Certificate” tab.
5. We will find 6 tabs in a single row, click on “Trust” tab.
6. Click on “Add to Trusted Identities” tab as shown below
7. Now a dialogue box will appear for the acrobat security on clicking the “Add to Trusted Identities” tab, click on “ok”.
8. Check all check boxes as shown below under Trust Tab. Click on “Ok” button.
9. Click on the “Validate Signature” tab and check the Validity Summary points mentioned under Summary tab will change to green coloured and warning sign as shown below
10. Close the signature properties.
11.The Signature is authenticated then the certificate DSC marked as “?” will turn into green coloured tick mark as shown below. If signature is not valid then user has to raise ticket to get the valid signature.
For further details, please click here1. Go to MCA21 Portal (www.mca.gov.in/MCA21).
2. Go to the ‘Services’ tab on the Home page
3. Click on the ‘Register Digital Signature’ link
4. Click on the link “Update DSC for Bank Official/Nodal Administrator”
5. Fill-up the mandatory particulars like
a) User Id of Bank Official/Nodal Administrator
b) Name
c) Email Id
6. Click on the 'Next' button
7. Select the Digital Certificate
8. Submit