To register your DSC, select the "Register Digital Signature" link on the MCA portal homepage and follow the given steps.
No, director must have an approved DIN to register the DSC on MCA portal.
MCA system verifies the details submitted by you with the membership/ personal details provided by your Institute. In case there is any mis-match, system throws this error message. You should approach your Institute for necessary updation/ correction of the above details and try again. Institutes will periodically provide updated data to for updation on the Portal. Once updated, you will be able to register your DSC.
Please ensure that your Company has submitted Form DIN 3 for intimating your particulars before registering your DSC on the MCA portal.
No, only those persons who will be signing the eForms on behalf of the Company are required to register their DSC on the MCA portal.
No, registration of DSC is a one time activity on the MCA portal.
You can update your DSC through the Register DSC facility by providing the necessary details.
No, you are required to register on the MCA portal only once.
Yes. In such cases, you need to register your DSC as a professional and also as a Director even if you use the same DSC in both roles.
No, as of now, there is no requirement of registration of DSC of the 'Charge Holders'.