At times, you may need to pay additional fee for certain service requests. This may be penalty or any fee pursuant to court order.  


To Pay Miscellaneous fee, follow the steps given below:


1. Login to the MCA portal.

2. Under the Fee and Payment Services, click the Pay Miscellaneous Fee menu. The Pay Miscellaneous Fee page is displayed.

3. Based on whether you want to pay miscellaneous fee for a company-related transaction or an LLP related transaction, click the respective link. The Pay Miscellaneous Fee page appears.

4. In the Pay Fees For drop-down list, select the option for which you want to pay the miscellaneous fee.


Note: The options available under this drop-down list are different for company-related transactions and LLP-related transaction.






5. Based on the option selected in the Pay Fees For drop-down list, fields will appear on the page. Enter the details.

6. Click the Pay Fee button. The Payment Options page is displayed.

7. Select the payment option.


Note: Refer the Payment Modes section to learn to make payment using this payment option.


8. You will be redirected to your bank’s website to make the payment. After the payment is made the Transaction Receipt is generated.